I think I can say with quite a bit of certainty that this blog will not be a fun one. It won't be fun for me to write and it won't be fun for people to read I'm afraid. I've tried to write this blog 3 times before and never finished it. It felt wrong for so long. It felt wrong to put this out there where others could read it, especially others who know the church involved and even more the people involved. It felt wrong to put my emotions out there where others could read them. But 3 different instances have brought this to my mind lately and I realized the wound from this is still huge and raw. I realized it's my story and my feelings and my broken heart and I have every right to write about it. I've spent so much time pushing it away and hoping it would just get better and go away on it's own. But it's only grown larger and more raw. So I thought maybe writing about it publicly would help me to start dealing with it. So let's see if I actually finish it and post it this time lol.
Church has been apart of my life as long as I can remember. We attended the same church from the time I was probably 2 or so until I was in a freshman in high school. At that point I was over the youth group at the church we were attending and my parents were having other issues. So I left first and went to my boyfriends church. My parents and sister left and went to another church shortly after.
Up until about 3 or 3.5 years ago I loved it. I loved the people. I loved the style. It was great. I started working in the nursery about a year after I started going there and LOVED it. Sunday school was great. Youth group was great. But where I really felt I belonged was in the nursery. From the moment I started in there, it felt like my place. After I graduated high school I was given an even bigger role and I flourished there.
The oldest two kids I first kept in there have graduated high school and the little sister of one of them is in high school! It boggles my mind it's been that long ago. Those 3 will always be special to me, especially the youngest one. I started keeping her when she was like 10 months old and I kept keeping her until she was 5. I remember one time especially fondly. She was going through a stage of separation anxiety. They dropped her off with me and not long after they left she started to cry. I picked her up and walked all over that room with her singing to her until she fell asleep in my arms. I sat down in a chair and just watched her sleep for an hour. Her sister loved for me to give her piggy back rides. I gave her so many piggy back rides I should've turned into a piggy lol. I give her a piggy back ride around the room so she could get toys or books and then we'd go to the table and play or read for awhile and then I'd give her a piggy back ride to put them up and get something new. I kept one little boy many times who loved Thomas the Train and he'd always go right to the Thomas the Train book we had and start playing with it and he wouldn't stop until it was time to go. I kept another baby boy who had separation anxiety and I spent every Sunday walking around with him, singing to him or bouncing him or shushing him until he'd fall asleep in my arms. One of my last memories was keeping a brand new baby I'd been excitedly waiting to keep. I only kept her once. I sat in the rocker with the light off and fed her her bottle and then she fell asleep on my chest. I had no way of knowing how close the end was and I'm glad I didn't. I still remember the prayer the kids would say when they ate their snacks and I can still hear their little voices in my head saying it. So many wonderful memories.
Over the years many amazing babies and children came into the nursery. Some for just a service or two and others for years. It was so rewarding no matter how long they stayed. But it wasn't just the kids, I got to know many wonderful adults as well. I formed relationships I thought I'd get to keep for a very very long time.
I knew some day I wouldn't keep the nursery any more. I mean that's how life goes. I always imagined it would be on my terms. I think most people think things like this will end on their terms and not someone elses. I always imagined it would be a celebratory thing with lots of thank yous and what not. I imagined it would be a sweet time. I never ever could have guessed how very wrong the image in my head was.
It happened slowly. So slowly, I didn't realize it was happening. Little by little I was being pushed out. It wasn't until without warning, without discussion, without reason the Sunday morning service was taken from me and they started having volunteers do it that I realized what was going on. I had noticed the attitudes of the other two women in the nursery towards me had changed but I didn't realize how much it had changed. That hurt. It hurt that it happened and it hurt to not even be told. I found out through the grapevine. People around me assured that it wasn't that big of deal and I could still volunteer and keep the nursery. So I pushed down my feelings, put on a smile, and put my name on the list a few times. But it wasn't the same. I no longer felt welcome there. I no longer felt there was a place for me in there. So when the sign up sheet went around the next time, I didn't sign up. As a matter of fact, I never signed up again. I was still in the nursery for Sunday school when needed and that would have to be enough. It wasn't enough and I could feel it slipping from my fingers. I think I knew that it was only a matter of time until that was gone too.
On August 30th,2015 my heart was completely crushed. There hadn't really been anyone in the nursery in Sunday school in years at that point. So I had been going into the adult class. I some how ended up being the one who did the box. On that day I opened the roll to find someone had been moved in to the class...me. Just like Sunday morning worship, I wasn't told, there was no explanation, and there was no warning. There sure weren't any thank yous and it was far from on my terms. There were no goodbyes. No closure. Nothing. It was just over and I was just left to pick up the pieces of my crushed heart. I've wondered many times how long it would've been before I figured it out if I hadn't been the one who did the roll. Because they sure weren't going to come and tell me.
I spent the whole morning on the verge of tears and when I got home in the safety of my room the tears just wouldn't stop. I kept being told it wasn't a big deal. Some people were okay with me talking about it for awhile but eventually I could sense they were over it. But I wasn't. It sent me into a tailspin of depression that I still haven't climbed out of. I mean other things have furthered it but that was where it started.
I pushed it all down. I put it on the back burner. As I said I hoped as time went it'd get better better on it's own.
But what a shock it hasn't. Sitting there watching people take babies to the nursery would reopen that wound every time. Seeing new babies come in that I would never get the chance to bond with and love on and enjoy just broke my heart over and over and over. Seeing the people who I had once been close to walk past me without ever acknowledging what they'd done planted a seed of anger inside of me and left me feeling really alone. At around the time we hit a year since I'd been removed from the nursery I started to notice that being at church gave me awful anxiety. I spent many mornings in the bathroom trying to stop hyperventilating so I could get the feeling back in my hands and feet. I didn't understand it.
I was playing with the idea of taking break several months ago and had even written a whole Facebook post saying I was taking one but then didn't post it. But then it was done for me. There was a situation that made it where I didn't have a ride to church for multiple weeks and I realized within a few weeks I didn't miss it and I didn't want to go back. So when it came time for me to go back, I didn't and months later I still haven't. I don't know if I will ever go back to my old church or any church for that matter.
It wasn't until I mentioned the anxiety to someone and they asked if something traumatic had happened there that I put the pieces together. I was anxious there because I no longer felt like I belonged and because I was broken and trying to ignore it. I was anxious there because it was a place where very big painful wounds were reopened over and over and over and outside of not going back I can't see how to stop that.
One thing I will say I've learned though this is to never down play another person's pain. It may seem small to you but to them it could be soul crushing and life changing. This wasn't small for me. The nursery was so much more than a position at church for me. It was part of who I was. I spent 10+ plus years pouring my heart and soul into it. It was my passion. It kept me going during rough times.
Losing that was devastating but it was made so much worse by nobody having the guts to come to me and tell me what was going on. Years before this they did away with the paid nursery worker job I had on Sunday and Wednesday nights because no one was coming any more. It sucked but they were open and honest and told me what was going on and what going to happen. I felt sad but I also felt valued because they took the time to discuss it with me. I was sad for a bit but life moved on and it wasn't a big deal. But when this went down I felt like I didn't matter to them. I was disposable. My time, my energy, my passion, and the heart I poured into it didn't mean anything at the end of the day. I felt like in their eyes I wasn't worth the time and energy it would've taken for them to discuss it me. I'd made their lives easier for 10 years and they were done with me. They didn't care about me or my feelings and they didn't respect me. I wasn't valuable to them then and in reality... I never was.
I know these kind of things aren't supposed to be done for human approval. What I didn't know, was that meant they could stomp all over my heart and I was supposed to take it with a smile. I didn't need them to throw me a party. I didn't need them make a big to do over it. I just needed them respect me and the time I'd spent in that nursery enough to be honest with me. I feel like 10+ years of pouring everything I could into it should've earned me at least that.
It made me wonder what I'd done or what was wrong with me that I deserved to be treated like that. I spent days and weeks and months and now years going over everything in my head trying to make sense of it. I've realized it's pointless to try to figure it out. It just drives me crazy. I'll never understand. It'll never be okay. It'll never not hurt. It'll never not be a big soul crushing moment for me.
At the end of the day, even with as much hurt as this mess has caused me I wouldn't change a thing. I'd still would've jumped at the chance to be there in the nursery. I still would've poured myself into it and given all I had into it because the memories I made are amazing and no one can take those away. But that doesn't mean I can go back to the place where it all happened and pretend I'm okay with what happened. I'm not and honestly I don't know if I ever will be.