Friday, November 3, 2017

My love for music and P!nk

I started to share this on a Facebook post of the 60 Minutes Australia interview with P!nk but I got 3 paragraphs in and realized it would be better as a blog lol. Not that anybody reads either one but hey I enjoy writing :).

So I've discussed my interests on here a lot. One I haven't gotten into as much is music. I've always loved music as long as I can remember. As a young child it was mostly Christian music. That was basically all that was played in my family. But as I got old enough to branch out and find my own likes and dislikes, I fell in love with Country music. The first two were probably Shania Twain and Garth Brooks. I can remember my friends and I belting out "Man I Feel Like a Woman" by Shania Twain and "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks all the time lol. From about the time I was 9 or 10 on, my interest in music just blossomed. About that time 90s boys bands like Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC, 98 Degrees...ect were becoming very popular and I loved them. Michael Jackson was also a favorite then for me(then and now). There were lots of others but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.

At the end of Middle School/beginning of high school, the muscian that is my favorite, who I look up to, who inspires me the most, whose music I always relate to came on the screen. That was of course P!nk.

I hear other people talking about their favorite musicians and they say things like "I remember where I was and what I was doing when first heard their music and what song it was and it made me feel blah blah blah". Well I could make up some cute story about the first time I heard P!nk's music but it would be a complete lie lol.

I feel like she's always been there for some reason. I think initially I liked her and her music because she was everything I'm not. I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth.

I struggled a lot high school trying to find some place I belonged. I experienced it a little bit in middle school but high school I think was worse as far as that went.  I always felt like the odd man out. I always felt like the person who always stood out and yet also the one everyone forgot about(think Mia Thermopolis on Princess Diaries except not quite as nerdy lol) .

I was in band but not really a band nerd anymore. I was in theatre and loved it but I was not really your typical theatre kid either. I'd say I fit in the best in there but I wouldn't say it was a perfect fit. I think I just loved theatre and the people in there so much I just forced it to work for me LOL.  I was good in school but not super super smart. I wasn't popular or a prep. I wasn't an athlete. I sure wasn't cheerleader material lol. I wasn't into anything like FFA or FCCLA or any other club like that.

I was just me and at that time I didn't like it(okay I still don't always like it lol). But P!nk was someone I could look up to who didn't fit in anywhere either. But she didn't care. She was confident and amazing and completely herself even no one else understood who she was.

P!nk came on to music scene as an R&B singer but she didn't want to be boxed in. So her second album she took over and did most of the writing on her own(a lot of which she did with Linda Perry from 4 Non Blondes). She created a style of her own. People who like rock say she isn't rock. People who are into pop say she isn't pop. She's just P!nk.

Also when she came on the music scene she did so at the same time as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. There was pressure on her to be more like them but she didn't cave. She stayed P!nk and she continued to write and sing her music and fly high. She has had a long amazing career as P!nk and while Brittney Spears and Christina Aguilera's careers are pretty much over but P!nk is as successful as ever. Her newest album is the number 1 selling album by a female so far in 2017 after stepping away for 5 years!

Her music always makes me feel good about just being me. It makes me feel good about everything. When I listen to interviews with her I always come away feeling super happy. She is just so real! She's had a rough past but she's used it as motivation. Her speech on the VMA's a couple of months ago was AMAZING and she didn't even realize it. We need more  P!nk's in the world in my opinion!
It doesn't really appear at this point that kids are in my future but if they are I hope they and my nephews love music and find a musician that makes them feel the way P!nk makes me feel! I think everyone needs that!

Here are some of my favorite P!nk songs and performances and her VMA speech! Oh and a picture about music and Libra's that I happen to save and like.

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