Friday, May 5, 2017

100 Days of Happiness: Day 5

I'm not doing a very good job keeping up with this lol. No excuse, just haven't sat down and wrote an entry. On to my next day of my 100 Days of Happiness.

Day 5: The Twilight Saga(books and movies)

I can hear people groaning now lol. I know most people hate it and have very strong opinions about it. But this isn't their blog 😜.

I'd never heard of Twilight until my younger sister started talking about wanting to see it. I thought it sounded dumb but she was like "Just watch it, you'll like it.". So after it came out on DVD, I did. I was hooked instantly. My sister had borrowed the first book from someone and then she let me read it. I read it in record time. I got my hands on the other books as soon as I could and I read them in record time as well. Breaking Dawn I read in just over 24 hours and it's the longest one lol.

Twilight came into my life at a time where I needed a good distraction and it was a fabulous distraction. People say "It's corney", "It's unrealistic", "It's poorly written", "The acting is bad", "It's just weird", "The relationship between Bella and Edward is controlling and unhealthy" and. I get it. It is corney, it's certainly unrealistic, Stephanie Meyer is certainly not Mark Twain, some of the acting is pretty bad, and of course it's weird it's about vampires who sparkle and drink blood from animals instead of humans lol. I mean what did you really expect 😊? The relationship between Bella and Edward is certainly interesting and there are times that it is controlling(on both sides). However for the most part I think it's pretty accurate of what teenage relationships look like and by the time you get to Breaking Dawn, they've grown and lost most of that childish jealousy crap. But I wouldn't suggest anyone get relationship advice from any movie or book, let alone a movie about a human falling in love with a sparkling vampire and that same human having a werewolf for a best friend 😜. I would hope anybody with a brain would know that these movies and books and the relationships in said movies and books, are not meant as an example.

I realized a long time ago that I am weird and I like weird. I like corney. I like unrealistic stories. Sometimes it's nice to read a book or watch a movie that is deep and realistic and thought provoking. But sometimes I find it really nice to pick up a book or put in a movie that is weird, unrealistic, shallow, corney, and immature. I think that's why I like musicals as well. When things are hard, I'm not looking to read or watch something deep and complicated. I want something light, corney, unrealistic that I can just escape to for a few hours and forget whats bothering me. Twilight has always been that for me. I can escape to Forks and dream of friendly, loving, beautiful, sparkly vampires and big soft kind werewolves and escape the real monsters of life for awhile. After all, it's just a book/movie. It's not that serious 😝! I find it ironic that a lot of the people who heavily criticize the Twilight series, are Harry Potter fans. I mean there are so many kids being sent to some "spooky" looking magic school with a weird gross sounding name to be trained as witches and warlocks lol. To each their own, if you enjoy Harry Potter more power to you but it does nothing for me. If I'm going to watch a movie about witches I'll take Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus or Twitches LOL.  So in the words of  Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls(another place I love to escape to lol) "You explain yours, I'll explain mine" 😜.

Here are some pictures I found from the movies because I wanted to throw them in lol. I don't own any of them.

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