My dear sweet Z-Bug,
I never dreamed I could love someone as much as I love you!
You are 4 months old and it's still so surreal to me that you are ours! I've been around many babies and seen them smile and I've always said there is nothing like it. But your smile is a million times better! It's like it cuts straight through my soul in the best possible way! It literally turns me into a big gooey pile of emotions!
The day you were born was the best day of my life. I never knew I could love a baby so much that wasn't mine!
I find myself in this tug of war. I want you to stay little. You fit in my arms perfectly and are so sweet to cuddle. But I also look forward to watching you grow and change and learn! I look forward to you walking, talking, hearing you say my name and tell me you love me, taking you to the park, swimming with you in our pool, and literally thousands of other things. But the reality is you are going to grow up, so here are some things I want you to know.
Remember to stop and smell the roses. The older you get the faster time flies by. Remember to slow down every once in awhile and enjoy the beauty around you. A sunset, the stars, a deer in a pasture, or a sleeping baby. Those are the moments that keep you grounded and sane.
Looking back on my 27 years of life if I could go back and do more, it would be learning. You should gather all the knowledge you can. Find a subject you are interested in and find out everything you can about it and then pick another subject and do it again. Knowledge is power. You never know when that information will come on handy. Learning is fun, despite what friends will tell you later on!
Laugh often. Laughing just makes you feel better. Laughing is the best way to end an argument or break tension. Laugh at yourself because sometimes you're going to be able to do nothing but laugh at yourself.
Give 100% of yourself to people who deserve it. Sometimes you'll know who deserves it and sometimes you'll think someone deserves it who doesn't. People will use you and hurt you. But there will be many lessons learned from that pain, embrace those lessons. But you should give 100% of yourself to the people you find that are truly worth your time. They deserve it and it will be rewarding for you.
You were born into quite the melting pot of people. You will come in contact with people with all kinds of differences. Instead of trying to force them into a box and make them just like you, embrace their differences! Differences aren't bad and they don't need to be fixed. There are many things you can learn from people with key differences, learn them. You'll never know who you'll miss out on getting to know if you try to change people instead of just embracing them.
You'll have times where you'll feel like your childhood is going to last forever. You're going to want to shave, drive, and date. But your childhood will be the most simple time in your life. It's the time to scrape your knees up 100 times, enjoy cartoons, play with toys, make friends, and make memories. Enjoy it!
I spent way too many years trying to change who I was, don't do that. It's a waste of time. You can't change who you are and you don't need to. God made you exactly who you are supposed to be. He has big plans for you! If someone in your life is not okay with who you are, they aren't worth your time!
Failure is apart of life. It's a hard part of life but a part of it none the less
Don't be afraid of failure. Out of the ashes of failure comes the biggest successes. Failures are opportunities to learn.
Asking for help is not always easy but do it! It's okay to admit you need help. It's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being human.
I want you to grow up and go on all the adventures you desire. I want you to try everything and learn everything you can. I believe you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I even want you to make mistakes because that's when you find out who you are! But remember where you came from. That's where your roots are and where your strength and courage come from. Always remember you have parents who longed and fought for you! You won't always like them but they will always love you! You are your grandparents dream come true and they adore you and would do anything for you! And I, your Tia, think you hung the moon and stars! I never had the chance to have an aunt that was an active part of my life but you will! I adore you more than you could ever understand and I will be here for you no matter what! I'm so proud to be your Tia! Tia is the most amazing title I've ever held because of you!
Love Always,
Your Tia <3
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