I have tried this so many times before and never finished it. But this time I'm going to get it finished and posted! I have 2 main obsessions, softball and Gilmore Girls. I have another blog you can check out if you want my thoughts on softball(although I haven't updated it in quite awhile lol). But I've never actually done a blog about Gilmore Girls, so I decided it was time. I'm going to do my top 10 favorite episodes! I started off with 20 and then got it down to 10 and then rearranged them and finally got a list I can honestly say I like and works. So here we go!
10. Season 7 Episode 22- Bon Voyage
This is the last episode of the show. Luke puts together a graduation party for Rory. It just warms my heart! Rory gets a job and it's going to take her away for a long time. The party is amazing and emotional. The best part of the show is that Luke and Lorelei get back together and the show ends where it started, Luke's Diner. I love the way the show ended, but hate that it had to end.
9. Season 4 Episode 7- The Festival of Living Art
Starshollow agrees to do the Festival of Living Art for another town who can't because of a flood. The Festival of Living Art is people posing as famous paintings and statues. It's an awesome concept! The make-up and costumes for this episode were amazing! They won awards for it! Also in this episode Lane 's band gets s nee guitarist named Gill. Gill is played by real life rock star Sebastian Bach(who I love on the show and an artist!). To end the episode Skokie finally gives birth to little Davey at home!
8. Season 7 Episode 20- Lorelei? Lorelei?
In this episode, Rory is freaking out because she didn't get the internship at the New York Times. She comes home and her and Lorelei go out to a karaoke night. Lorelai has too much to drink and sings "I Will Always Love You" to Luke. In my opinion, that was one of the best moments of the whole show! Lauren Graham has an amazing voice and for the first and only time in the show we get to see it! Gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! At the end of the show Logan shows up and asked Lorelei if he could ask Rory to marry him. The look on Lorelai's face pretty well summed up what I thought the first time I saw it..
.... NO!!! Thankfully in the next episode, Rory says no.
7. Season 7 Episode 12- To Whom It May Conceren
In the episode before this Luke filed for shared custody of April. He asked Lorelai to write a character reference for him. In this episode, Luke and Anna have their hearing and with the help of Lorelai's reference Luke wins. Christopher finds the copy and flips out. The letter is the beginning of the end of his and Lorelai's marriage. I was thrilled! I never liked them together.
6. Season 6 Episode 9- The Prodigal Daughter Returns
Before this episode Rory is told by Mitchum Huntsburger that she doesn't have what it takes to be a journalist. She gets in trouble with Logan and decides to take sometime off from Yale. All of this causes a problem between her and her mom. In this episode, Rory finally comes to her senses and gets her life back on track. Most importantly she her and Lorelai make up! Also in this episode April appears. She shows up at the diner and takes a piece of Luke's hair to do a DNA. It proves Luke is her father. A lot of people say this was the beginning of the end of the show. Even Amy Sherman Palladino(the creator and producer of the show for first 6 seasons) said she put in April to kill the show when it became apparent her and the WB weren't going to be able to work out a deal for her contract. But I like April and I like the side of Luke she brought out. After all it is the only chance we ended up getting to see Luke as a father :) .
5. Season 1 Episode 1- The Pilot
This is the episode where it all started! This is the episode where we meet most of the characters. This is also where the storyline is introduced. Everything looks very different(the town, Luke's Diner, and Lorelai and Rory's house) but it's a beautiful episode.
4. Season 4 Episode 22- Raincoats and Recipes
In this episode, the time has finally come for the Dragon Fly Inn to open! Lorelai has all of her friends plus her parents come to the inn for a trial run. It goes well(with the exception of a few things but I'm not giving away all the secrets lol) and the night ends with Lorelai and Luke's first kiss! Rory and Dean end up having sex despite the fact that Dean is married. It starts a crazy new relationship between. I hated it. I thought putting them back together like that was all wrong.
3. Season 4 Episode 21- Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
In this episode, Liz and TJ get married .They have a Renaissance wedding and it so fits them! But beautiful and actually looks like a lot of fun! Luke takes Lorelai as his date to the wedding. They dance and have a good time. Luke walks her home and finally ask her out. It's one of the most long awaited moments of the show! Jess shows up and ask Rory to run away with him but she won't.
2. Season 5 Episode 3- Written In The Stars
Luke and Lorelai go on their first date! It's very beautiful and for more Gilmore Girls fans long awaited lol. They begin to talk about the first time they met and Luke pulls out a horoscope Lorelai gave him the first time they met! There is a long very sweet story that goes with it and it was just an adorable moment!
1. Season 3 Episode 13- Dear Emily and Richard
I'm honestly not sure why I love this episode so much but I do! In this episode, Sherry gives birth to GiGi. Christopher is out of town and everyone else is busy so Rory ends up at the hospital with her and when it looks like Christopher isn't going to make it she panics and calls Lorelai who comes to the hospital as well. Christopher does make it though. This episode is full of flashbacks of when Lorelai found out she was pregnant, her pregnancy, when Rory was born, and when she left her parents her house. The first time I saw this episode it made me cry. I guess just seeing how far Lorelai had come was amazing and emotional. It gives you parts of the story that you didn't have before.
It was really hard to explain why I liked these episodes and there are probably a dozen more(if not more) that I could include. I've never watched a show that relaxed me or made me as happy as Gilmore Girls. I love that so much of the show is set in Fall and Winter. I love the special thing Lorelai has with snow because it's the same way for me. I love the quick pace and the witty humor. I love how each of the characters are so different and yet share so many similarities and there are things about all of them you can relate to. I love all the individual stories inside the bigger story line. I love all the story women. Lorelai and Rory of course but Emily Lane, Sookie, Mrs. Kim, Miss Patty, Paris. All of the women are strong women. I love how several actors and actresses have play 2 or more parts on the show. The make up and costumes are usually good enough you can't tell my looking at them but I can usually tell by their voices. I've watched the show from beginning to end many times and it just never gets old!
Back to reality now, I've been reading back through old blogs and was struck by how sad and lonely I sounded. But that's passed. I'm actually in a good place right now. I was supposed to go to WTAMU this Fall but upon searching my heart I realized that wasn't what I wanted. I was again doing what I was supposed to. So the plan is now to get a job. I'm going to start off applying at daycares and go from there. I plan to save up and go through a course to become a midwife. But it's expensive and there is no financial aid. So it's going to be awhile before that happens. I'd love to be a nanny for someone but I think that would require me to have a drivers license and possibly a car. I could do the license pretty quickly but the car is another story. I guess we'll see what I can find. My biological clock is ticking so to speak. I want babies. I have always wanted babies. For reasons I am not discussing on here, I believe that isn't going to be an easy thing for me. The older I get the more I worry it won't happen. I think the funny thing is I feel no rush to get married. I feel people rushing me but I don't feel a rush myself. But the Babies thing is another story. Well that's all for now! Hopefully I'll write more often now.